Follow Jesus

Following Jesus is an everyday decision.

Following Jesus

Everything we do at Gateway hinges on following Jesus. This means believing in Jesus and seeking to follow him with our daily lives.

One of the most important steps you can take in your life is to profess belief in Jesus Christ and through him become rightly connected to God. He was sent to reconcile people to God and to each other.

learn more about beginning a relationship with jesus


The New Testament teaches that the decision to repent and believe in Jesus is memorialized and solidified through baptism.

“Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.” Acts 2:41

We believe baptism is an expression of individual faith in Christ that symbolically illustrates our new life as a Christian.

If you have decided to follow Jesus but haven’t memorialized that decision through baptism, we’d love to have you join us for a baptism class.


Deciding to follow Jesus is life-changing.  Once we’ve made this decision we begin the process of seeking to follow him in our daily lives. We believe we grow in our spiritual lives through 7 healthy habits which we've captured in UP, IN and OUT, Gateway's blueprint for spiritual growth.