How to Accept Jesus

Learn more about how to accept and follow Jesus.

Acknowledge Your Need

Recognize your need for a Savior and acknowledge that you are a sinner in need of God's forgiveness. (Romans 3:23)

Believe In Jesus

Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead, offering you eternal life and salvation. (John 3:16)

Repent & Confess

Repent of your sins, turning away from a life lived apart from God, and confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior. (Acts 3:19)

Receive Jesus

Invite Jesus into your heart and life, surrendering to His lordship and allowing Him to guide and transform you. (Revelation 3:20)

Follow Jesus

Commit to following Jesus as your Lord and Savior, seeking to live a life that honors and glorifies Him in all that you do. (Luke 9:23)

Grow deeper with Jesus

7 Habits for Spiritual Growth

At Gateway, we believe spiritual growth and transformation occur as we grow up toward God in worship, in toward others in community, and out toward the world in service. We’ve identified 7 key habits that aid in growing our relationship with Jesus.

  • Use Resources with Wisdom and Purpose

    As followers of Jesus, we recognize that peace and happiness are found in God and not in material possessions. We also realize that all we have physically, spiritually and emotionally, is a gift from God. Therefore, as an act of obedience and an expression of gratitude, we want to use our finances, time and energy to honor God and serve the community.

  • Practice Creative Devotion

    As followers of Jesus, we delight in God and His presence in our lives. In response to our relationship with God, we experience broken-heartedness over sin and joy over God's character and grace. Therefore, we will seek to practice spiritual disciplines daily as a means of participating in life in Christ. These disciplines especially center on praying and studying Scripture. Time spent in this manner enables us to welcome God into every part of our lives. We also commit to gathering weekly for corporate worship.

  • Invest in Community

    As followers of Jesus, we seek to invest ourselves in community so that our corporate life reflects the very life and glory of God. Such an investment means that we will imitate the humility and servanthood of Christ by looking not only to our own interests but also to the interests of those around us. Therefore, we will endeavor to understand our spiritual gifts and use them to contribute to the life of the body. Specifically, we will invest in a group and serve in an area of need, such as a team at Gateway.

  • Nourish Others out of Personal Wholeness

    As followers of Jesus, we seek to make relationship-building a priority. However, our own sin has blocked our ability to relate in meaningful and/or beneficial ways. Before we can relate to others in a godly way, we, ourselves must pursue healing. Therefore, we will seek to respond to the effects of God’s grace in our lives by moving toward personal healing, wholeness and purity with courage and honesty. Among other things, we will pursue sexual purity as a reflection of God’s heart and respect for other people. We will seek a growing, healthy interdependence with others and seek restoration of broken and harmed relationships.

  • Open our Lives to People in Need

    As followers of Jesus, God has met our spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Because God has moved on our behalf, we know that He will work on behalf of others. Therefore, we will seek to open our lives to those in need so that we can be part of God’s provision. In order to be God’s co-laborer, we will seek to grow in our ability to recognize where God is at work and what God’s calling is for us. We will seek to serve and spread the Gospel both locally and globally.

  • Uplift God’s Character

    As followers of Jesus, God’s grace has upset our lives in ways that are wonderful and surprising. As a result of our unsettling encounter with Him, we have been changed to more perfectly reflect God. Therefore, we will seek to center our life around the Gospel, which has the power to penetrate past defenses and change hearts and lives. Specifically, we will strive to live in a way that reflects God’s character and exhibits the implications of His grace, especially in the areas of holiness and simplicity.

  • Tell Others about Christ

    As followers of Jesus, it is our purpose in life to show others, through words and actions, God’s plan of salvation. Specifically, we strive to care about, pray for and serve others daily. In order to tell others, we must grow in our understanding of God’s story revealed in Scripture. We must also recognize how God has called us and what He has done in our lives (i.e., be able to share our story with others).