Share Your Story

Share what God is doing in your life.

Sharing Your Story

As humans, we were created to love stories from epic dramas to adventures and from comedies to action flicks. In fact, the Bible is God’s incredible story starting with His creation of the world and ending with the coming of the Kingdom of God. Jesus understood the power of stories; often teaching his followers through parables. In the same way, your life is an incredible story which was intended to be shared.

For followers of Jesus, your story is often a testimony to what God has done to and through you. These stories often include what your life looked like before Jesus, how you came to know and follow Jesus and how following Jesus has transformed you.

We recognize that not everyone who has decided to follow Jesus has a story that follows this path. You may have begun following Jesus at a young age and your story may be more about exploring the true depths of God’s character, following him during seasons of suffering or wrestling with hurts from those who have misrepresented God from your past. For those still seeking Jesus, your life is a story worth sharing too. Things to consider are what brought you to Gateway, what spiritual influences have you had in your past, and what questions are you seeking to have answered.

Sharing our story brings so much freedom. At Gateway, we have the opportunity to share stories in small groups, in classes such as Starting Point, and in individual relationships. We look forward to the opportunity to hear your story.